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An iPad at the patient’s bed


Digital patient monitoring solution


For clinics and hospitals

Silver Pack

The digital companion for seniors


A family newspaper for your grandparents


Patient Engagement

CareServant offers an innovative patient portal focused on Apple devices (iPads, Apple TV) that combines entertainment, information, communication and integration into administrative and clinical processes – fully automated, so there is less burden on hospital staff. Clinics can achieve 2 important goals: Speed up Digital Transformation with all its economic and clinical benefits, and increase Patient Experience

CareServant feature flyer

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Ramsay Clinic Belharra – Bayonne

General presentation of the functionalities

Emma University Pediatric Hospital – Amsterdam

Video calls, breaking out of isolation during Covid-19

Jamf, MDM suitable for hospitals


Pre-Post Hospitalization

A simple communication solution for monitoring patients remotely with programmed intelligence of interactions and alerts

MyDocTool is the 1st protocol management platform allowing healthcare professionals to automatically manage the monitoring of their patients and reduce the risk of failure of their interventions, therapeutic or preventive programs

The global reference in hospitality education, business solutions and innovation

Disruptive innovation in the patient’s environment


EHL Advisory Services, the subsidiary of the Lausanne Hotel School

has carried out consulting assignments for companies active in health – Affidea, Cleveland Clinic of Abu Dhabi, Swiss university hospitals, groups of private clinics in Switzerland and France. These mandates have focused on improving the customer experience – in the room, catering and other services, as well as in training staff and management to raise awareness of the commercial side of the customer value chain. The client being here as well the patient, the visitor, the medical staff, as the staff of supervision. EAS also works with management teams, in order to develop an adequate environment and effective and up-to-date procedures, with team members, in order to lead them towards a willingness and ability to deliver excellence. in the service to others; customer, colleague, entourage. EAS has access to the experts of the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, professional instructors – such as holders of a Federal Master of Cooking, Best Workers of France and Great Britain and members of the Faculty, to bring to the industry of welcoming pragmatic, achievable, but also visionary and innovative advice.

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offers over 7000 newspapers and magazines from 120 countries, in 60 languages and in one app. Give readers the most immersive and rewarding way to experience the world’s best press!

At PressReader, while we constantly upload more educational and entertaining content, we also focus on creating more personalized experience for every patient through home feed and other user-friendly features. Our audio features is great enhancement for patients, who prefer to listen the articles. We have also now added some content for doctors and healthcare workers, which may assist their research and professional education. COVID-19 has led to many changes in the healthcare sector, and at PressReader we created the dedicated COVID-19 channel which provides global daily updates and stream of news related to pandemic. As much as we focus on providing service on ambulatory patients, we also have the solutions for outpatients services, VIP accounts and others.

The Silver Pack

A package of services designed to ensure the longest possible quality of life, autonomy and social ties for seniors, at their home or in suitable accommodation

To do this, the Silver Pack must be able 1) to adapt and provide solutions in relation to the evolution of people and the various forms of physical or cognitive dependence that may appear over time; 2) to unite the interests of the various players in the « senior » ecosystem. It is based on a communication interface for social links and access to various personal services (SALP), for daily or more exceptional needs, whether medical or not. What makes the value of the Silver Pack is ultimately all the services that can be activated via this interface, in each regional context in a specific way (via a charter of « user » criteria and good practices, with periodic evaluation), intended to cover the needs of seniors and their third-carers in a personalized way, with a concern for stimulation and not only assistance.


Share your best photo moments with your grandparents in a monthly family journal

Neveo, a great application and an innovative concept that allows us to stay in touch with the people we love, especially the elderly.

A monthly newspaper, sent to our seniors to maintain a link with those who do not master social networks by offering them a much simpler and practical alternative to see what happened in our daily life for 30 days.

Neveo has a very simple operating system. Via the website or by downloading the app for free from the Play Store. You can feed the album for your parents or grandparents, for example, by choosing the photos you want to share with them. You can add a caption for each photo. I really like this option, I find that it brings the capture to life and makes it more interesting. Then what do we do? Not much, Neveo takes care of the layout of the newspaper and sends it to the address you specified before.

Neveo’s family spirit does not stop there, you are also given the chance to invite family members to upload more photos for a comprehensive and complete result that will surely please recipients.

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In preparation for Christmas, we are launching a gift box that includes 6 months of Neveo subscription and a storage box for family newspapers. Neveo makes an ideal gift for families and is an adequate response to the need for social bonding.

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